24 Weeks of Homeschool Lesson Plans
This class pursues making big art, masterpieces by some of my favorite masters, tangible and inspiring to little ones.
Grade 1 / Grade 2 / Grade 3 / Grade 4 / Grade 5
Art is one of the rare treasures in life that brings people together, regardless of age, background, or persuasion. This class pursues making big art, masterpieces by some of my favorite masters, tangible and inspiring to little ones. Through the use of Dover Fine Art Stickers, children will get to explore works by an artist. They can choose their favorite piece (sticker) and work toward a recreation in their art book. The sticker will be placed in the upper corner, with the artist’s name copied next to it. The goal of this class is to enjoy famous art, and to be inspired! On the last week of each semester, we’ll have an artists’ exhibit where student’s favorite piece of art is displayed for parents and friends to enjoy.
Elementary classes are not graded, but fun and interactive learning. No grading rubrics is included, but high praise and encouragement is highly recommended for each project.
Each week, I'll post a video to walk your co-op teacher or homeschool mom through how to teach that week's lessons. Almost all the ideas are geared toward having 3 or more kids in a group, but many of the ideas can be used in an individual homeschool. These lessons are provided FREE to help other homeschoolers live in the freedom that homeschooling has brought to our family.
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